Minggu, 26 Juli 2009


You produce a pack of 25 Zener cards and invite the
spectator to cut the pack anywhere he likes. The card cut to
is placed to one side, face down, as a prediction.
The remaining 24 cards are divided into 2 packs of 12 - one
for you, one for the spectator. You and the spectator begin
dealing your cards simultaneously until a matching pair is
found. Whenever a matching pair is found, the two cards are
placed alongside the prediction.
When all the cards have been dealt, the prediction card is
turned over and it bears the same symbol as the matching
pairs previously found. An ESP miracle!
The deck needs to be stacked so the five symbols repeat in the
same order. For example, Star, Square, Wavy Lines, Cross and
Circle repeated five times. It doesn't matter what order you put them
in, as long as it repeats five times.
You can have the spectator cut the cards several times because an
order will always be maintained.
The cut to card is removed, placed to one side and the bottom of
the cut deck is placed on top of the other stack.
Now deal off 12 cards for yourself. This reverses the order of your
cards. The remaining 12 cards are given to the spectator.
When the cards are dealt, two pairs will always match and they
have the same symbol as the prediction.
You just need to dress this up with whatever patter feels right for
you and it creates a fantastic ESP routine.


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